Immigrant Patriots
& presidential sins

So, the latest targets of presidential prejudice, reported in early July, are immigrant patriots serving in our armed forces. As if the pure evil of stealing children from their parents weren't enough, this new type of treason against patriotic volunteers poisons the essence of American freedom. There has, in the past, been an honorable path to citizenship in return for serving. Now, the president and his appointees leading our armed services are determined to weed out immigrants, and involuntarily discharge them to prevent them from earning rapid citizenship, and deport them. I can't imagine any better way to transform a patriot into a terrorist. I cannot imagine a better way to embitter people who love America. WTF! Why? Apparently, the reason lies in the imaginary paranoia of the president, who psychotically fears infiltration under every bed, in every closet, in everyone and anyone who isn't a white Christian bigot. And this one fu...d up monster with the title of president is able to single handedly suck the blood out of red white and blue patriotic immigrant volunteers. This is the same president who insulted a gold star father for being a Muslim immigrant. Way to go, president asshole.
There but for the grace of history go I. My mother was an illegal immigrant. If I'd arrived here with her, I could have been a target for this poison presidential policy. But, as it happens, I was born here. My mother raised me to believe that "there is nothing more precious than American Freedom." So, when I grew up during Vietnam, while my straight friends ran away to Canada like dogs, I volunteered to serve. I served for ten years and left honorably as a Sgt First Class. Now, in case there are any zealous government employee martinets who want to hunt down my illegal immigrant mother some 80 years after she arrived at Ellis Island, they may wish to dig up her grave and deport her posthumously. Sorry fellas, she became a citizen decades before you were born.
The latest victims, in early July, were the grandparents or uncle and aunt of a sergeant at Ft. Drum who went there to visit him on the 4th of July. The Fourth of July! They came to America illegally twenty years ago, went to work, bought a home, raised children, and paid taxes, and showed legal ID upon entering the base. And under the presidential policy, these elderly fine folks had ICE called on them and were arrested and are being held for deportation. ON THE FOURTH OF JULY! Way to go, president asshole!
Every overweight middle aged red blooded American with a flag patch on his overalls seems to imagine that he's a genuine pure American entitled to hate new arrivals; oblivious to the fact that his last name and white skin make him the invasive spawn of his immigrant grandparents or great grandparents who came here without papers, without knowing English or how to read and write, whose presence persecuted Native Americans. He cannot imagine sweating in the hot sun bending his fat ass over tending crops they way new immigrants do, but by golly, he imagines them taking good American jobs that he's not qualified to do. To paraphrase the president who encourages this kind of stupid thinking, "sad, very sad."
I have interviewed thousands of LGBT veterans, all of whom said they served out of pure patriotism. But it particularly was the gay children of immigrants and refugees who said that they wanted to pay their country back for their families freedom and that they weren't going to let being gay stop them. And now the man known in the White House as 'the moron' is going after immigrant patriots! Way to go president asshole.
But, as his early July trip to Europe has revealed, he's not an asshole. Rather worse, he seems treasonously determined to destroy everything America stands for, and everything America has created in the calling of world peace and progress. So, he triumphantly threw a flaming Molotov cocktail into NATO that America's Truman created after WWII to ensure mutual international cooperation, by insulting each of our allies. Then he went off to lick Putin's ass to thank him for his fraudulent election and to beg him, again, not to release his Moscow prostitutes pee pee video. To paraphrase the president when he chose to publicly discuss he opponent's bathroom break during a live nationally televised debate, "disgusting."
So, presidential prejudice progresses. First it was Mexicans and Muslims, then it was Black Americans, athletes, and other minorities, then LGBT folks, immigrants and immigrant patriots; and now its everyone else such as Canadians, and Germans, and Britts. The arrests and concentration camps have already started, with children snatched, shipped across the country, and kept in cages. And soon, if Congress remains silent, he will come for them and then there will be no one left to speak out. To quote the Rev. Martin Neimoeller regarding the Holocaust:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
In mid June, he flew off to Asia to kiss the ass of the dictator of North Korea! He likes dictators. Like wild dogs, they sniffed each other's butts, shook hands, and ceremoniously signed a document carefully crafted to say nothing. Then he boasted, mission accomplished, when exactly less than nothing was accomplished except fake boasting rights.
So, then the president who hates patriotic athletes for kneeling during the National Anthem, saluted a North Korean General! Bloody Hell! Much has been made of this act of treason; but in fact he probably did it simply because he's senile. Having skated out of serving in Vietnam and gotten rich scamming people while other young Americans sacrificed their lives serving, he now can't get enough of salutes. Like some 2LT fresh out of knife and fork school, he gets a little boney every time someone salutes him.
But, all that and prior sins pale in comparison to his Nazi policy of stealing little children. Thousands of little children have been stolen by uniformed American Gestapo monsters, gleefully enjoying and ignoring the cries of despair of children realizing that they will never see their parents again, ever. They were driven to a center where someone with dirty rubber gloves led them to a filthy animal cage filled with other miserable crying, wet and soiled children wearing the same clothing they were stolen in weeks or months ago. They were simply left in stinking cages in a warehouse with no windows, not knowing if its night or day. And there were strict militaristic rules in these concentration camps. Even siblings were forbidden to hug each other, no touching! Imagine the sick bureaucrat who created such a Kafkaesque hell!
But, as we by now know, each new presidential sin is but a prelude to one worse yet to come. And so 'Helsinki' shall go down in history as shorthand for the betrayal of our nation. When asked if he believed our intelligence people, that Russia hacked his election, he said, "I don't see any reason why it would be" and went on to kiss Putin's feet. After American newspaper headlines shouted "Treason" the next day, he insulted the intelligence of even the dumbest of the unwashed masses, and said, "OH, I left out an apostrophe 't.' This is what is called 'ass in mouth disease.' The news media ran to the halls of Congress to catch Republican Senators in the hallways rushing to the restrooms to barf, and asked, "What do you think of the president's explanation?" And choking down upchuck they turned green and mumbled, "um yah sure, um hee hee, its ok now.... um, excuse me..." as they ran down the hall spitting up presidential posturing.
And the following week? Next it was announced that he wants the right to remove American citizenship from anyone he dislikes and deport them, by executive order. You might think that this is a bizarre new idea from the mind of the moron; but its not. It was first thought up by Hitler, who in November of 1942, revoked the citizenship of all Jews. Without citizenship, they had no rights, and so they could be rounded up and be sent by cattle cars to death camps. My mother was already here when her German citizenship was revoked, making her stateless. This was what led to her rapid American citizenship, years before I was born. Franklyn Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat, was President at the time.
I'm starting to think that the president is Not an American citizen, because he was born in East Germany, or maybe Kenya, shortly after WWII, raised to revere Hitler and Stalin as his heroes, where he came under the influence of a young KGB agent named Vladimir whom he still idolizes to this day. Makes sense to me; I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be.
-Denny Meyer, fmr USN, SFC USAR
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