Crude, Clueless,
and Heartless

So, here we go again, where we are supposed to feel sympathy for a vilified villain because he's been crudely smeared by some vulgar person in the White House. First it was the former FBI director who sounded the fake right wing alarm bells days before the presidential election suggesting that there might be something incriminating about the Democratic candidate in emails found in the computer of a a pervert and former Congressman married to her assistant. When Der Fuhrer fired him for lack of loyalty we were suddenly to feel sympathy for this creep. It has something to do with a warped cliché about 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' or something like that.
And Now its for one of the most notorious right wing millionaire dirtbag Senators whose impending demise is supposed to evoke mawkish sentimental sympathy. The crude vulgar crap emanating in a cloud of sulfurous stink from the White House daily is inexcusable as a shame on our nation. But that doesn't make me suddenly burst in to tearful love for one of the worst SOBs that ever walked the Earth. I'm a Vietnam Era veteran of the USS FORRESTAL. I'm talking about the guy who killed 135 American sailors aboard the aircraft carrier in the catastrophic 1967 fire caused by his intentionally careless joke using a multimillion dollar jet fighter loaded with a 500 pound bomb on the flight deck. Decades later, when he ran for president, he showed a video portraying himself as a hero of the fire he started. I know, because I was a young sailor sent to replace one of the dead. My new crewmates made sure that I understood what had happened and who was to blame. A righteous right wing Senator with a consistent record of wrong. This was the man who randomly selected the worst Presidential running mate since Taylor picked Polk. Sorry, my tears are for my shipmate predecessor who burned to death in his bunk, the bunk I inherited when I arrived aboard. My anger is for the millions of my fellow Americans denied rights and benefits because of his voting record. Now, in his final days he's suddenly holding his head high and noble, too late for my memories to change.
Moving on, now we come to the White House Chief of Staff who this past month said that "illegal immigrants aren't bad people, they just don't integrate well." ..."they're also not people that would easily assimilate into the United States, into our modern society. They're overwhelmingly rural people; They don't speak English; obviously that's a big thing.” What an arrogant imbecile! This entire nation is based on immigrants. Were his ancestors English speaking urban urbane university educated folks when they came over from Italy and Ireland without papers? Hardly. His snotty comments should be insulting to every single American. They are to me. My mother came here by steamship at the height of WWII as an illegal immigrant fleeing Nazi genocide. She had no papers and didn't speak English. She was interned on Ellis Island, where she arrived, for two months while her case was considered. She was allowed to stay, given a green card and FIVE CENTS to pay for the ferry boat ride across New York Harbor, past the Statue of Liberty, to begin her new life in America. She never got another cent of welfare. First she became a cleaning lady. Then, she became an entrepreneur. Through her 60 years of life in America, she worked in factories, and retired as a shopkeeper . She raised me, her son, to be an American patriot. I volunteered during Vietnam, served ten years, and left honorably as a Sgt First Class. Not a bad payback for letting one non English speaking young foreign woman without papers into the country!
It gets worse. Der Feld Marshal Chief of Staff, also opined that its ok to take beloved little children away from parents the moment they arrive at the border. After all, he said, "the children will be taken care of-put into foster care or whatever. ...But the big point is they elected to come illegally into the United States, and this is a technique that no one hopes will be used extensively or for very long.” Whatever!!? This shit head thinks that brining along one's children is a 'technique' to gain illegal entry. Presumably he thinks that people who don't speak English aren't human beings and don't love their children. So, the hysterically crying little children ripped from their parent's arms are just putting on an act? Right, General? And this mental monster sits at the pinnacle of power in America, advising the moron president! And Der president, in late May, fraudulently claimed that his administration's policy of taking away children from immigrants was actually a law enacted by Democrats. This psychotic lie was on the same day that it was revealed that some 1500 of those little children were 'lost track of' after they were either sold or given away into an unaccountable foster system. Or, as Der Chief of Staff put it, "Whatever"!
Finally we come to the issue of a protest by righteous athletes who chase weirdly shaped balls back and forth across grassy fields in order to entertain rich while folks as they consume millions of gallons of beer while watching. The president doesn't like them kneeling during the National Anthem, mostly because he's a racist. He says they are disrespecting veterans. I'm a veteran. I don't feel disrespected by athletes kneeling during the National Anthem. I feel honored by their fearless respect for the freedom that I volunteered to defend.
The president and his people are taking a crap on American values. Flush them down the toilet already! Hitler and his Nazi henchmen would have been proud to have these folks on their team.
-Denny Meyer, fmr USN, SFC USAR
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